BÖLGE BAYIi CumhriyeMt ah.Göcek- Fethiye TEL;(252)6452842 - (252)645261O FAKS(;252)6451O81 GSM;(532-541)79554 79 YANGINveGÜVENLiSKiSTEMLELRTiD. ŞTI. info@poyrazyangin.com ~~ttm!fl;:®mfİII!rnitı~~~ ~'ii'fi'il:;ı;fim!DGiu~~ ~©lal~ o 'ii!mmifill ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ o (!!Jl,7 ~ o ~~ Quote: Captain Phil Walsh 11Turmoil" "The Spec.ıfıcation callod for the vesseı to operotoin e1<tremceonditions,bothhot & cold, S0W8needodBSmuch halp8SWOcouldgel. Delta T Monne' ınsulating coating not only took caro of tho potentıal condensaııon issues but addod to lho comfortAire insulation and geve usa lower dB advontage as well. For one producl to do a/1three of the above I da not soe how )"OU could go pası ,ton any now build." 13-22 Şubat 2009 5. HALL'deyiz.