Boat Builder Türkiye 18. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 2010)

e 111 Cooling Comfort on board - Webasto Air Conditioning Solutions BlueCool Premıum - Webasto·s revolutıonary aır ConditK>Olflı9 technologyispoputa,for ıts hıgheff~. extralow po,.yef consomphonand extremety compaıct dimensıon. The wıde product range offerssotutJonsfrom 12,000 BTI.J.ıh up to 572,000BTUih. The aır handlerraoge proındes perfectcool exactlywhereneeded. f'ıve dıfferent layout ve<SfOOS anda perlormanc:eraogefrom 4,500 BTUihup to 48,000BTU/hallow the oght sok.ıtıon fOI'every appkat,on, .. ; Marine Water Heaters - High Quality systems in stainless steel lsotcmpwater Jwıe,s, !f)Klfıcally desogrıed fo, yachts and boats, aı, °"'1 made of hogh qu.,l,ty componeotsto ensurebestproductpe,rfonnanc:e. lndef Webasto MMıne offffl a mode4range from 15 to 75 ktres..Ali urwtsoffer extraordınaıy robustness. lsothermOtawerrefugeratorsandfreezersoffer the customera comfOttabieusethfougheasy accessto thecontent. Moceoııer theckawerfndgesand freeı.ers aıe hqlly custornıs.llbAe coocef"nıng dosog<, and ınstalatıon Webasto Marine Roofs There is a Webasto roof solution for every boat! Webastooffers ıts customersa wide rangeof roof solotıoos. Wrth the customısable Maııne Roof platforms, the custometp' rofits from robust pr~ platfoıms benefittıng from WO<ldwıde technologıcal leadershıp ın automotıve sunroofs. Webisto Engıneeong SeMCe-esvenhelp shıpyards to deYekıp untqueandexdustveroof systerrıs to match thefr ex.xt specıfıcaoons.