SUMMARY BOAT BUILDER TURKEY /Yatch and Boat Building lndustry Magazine ISSUE:32 • MAY- JUNE2012 ACTUAL The World Superyacht Awards Found Their Winners in İstanbul .,., & 1 . .; ~r••,,;. 1 .,! ' • f . 1 ı , ( l • ' J 1 ı ; 1 ' f,.ı 1 DÜNYASÜPERYAT ÖDÜLLERİ lstanbul'd.! Sahıpl.erinı Buldu wo, ____ - - - --------- __ ,. __________ _ s·•-- .-- - -= g:;--.: =-=~ =---==~ -- -===---- - ·= The World Superyacht Awards have found their owners in a ceremony was held at Çırağan Palace.organized 7th this year and the first time in lstanbul. Also. Turkish yachts won the award. "Karia" and "Sarafin•·which is produced by RMK Marine and "E & E"which is produced by Çizgi Yacht won the Special Jury Award. Page 16 PRODUCER Egeyat Egeyat ____ ,_..., ____ _ ________ .. __ _ EL .. =::= ==:.~::ö ~-= =:_.-=-- --=~~ =.=:öl ==--=,;;; ::e.:::: Egeyat which made sailing boat as an every aspect of production in the range of 5 meters and 13.5 meters at production area in İstanbul Ümraniye, is planning to move to continuing the construction ofa new manufacturing facility in lzmir. until the end of the year. Page 22 MARiNA Marina İstanbul lstanbul's new marina which is covering 136 thousand on land, including 119 thousand square meters on sea. approximately 255 thousand square meters area of lstanbul. will be capable of binding 600 yachts on sea and 120 on land. Marina construction is scheduled for completion at the end of September which is planing to serve up to 60 meters megayatchs. Page 46 54 Nat•ıılldu MAYIS· HAZİRAN 2012/ SAY3I 2 PRODUCTS & INTERVİEW Coverport Offer the Shrink-wrap Boat Covering System to Turkey Shrink-wrap which provides to create a private hangar for boat hangar shortage situations. it protects the boat fully wrapped by in such cases,wintering or transport of dust-dirt and weather conditions. Coverport releases Shrink-wrap boat closure system to the Turkey Market. Page 32 COMPANY PROFiLE Hatko ine. HatkoAŞ. --- - -- ---------- Ei=------- ---== :.--~- = ------·- ---11 Hatko ine. is the group of companies with investments in many areas and activities. Marine Equipment Department which is serving the maritime field of the company since 2004. is the distributor especially in propulsion systems of the world's most important companies. Page 36