Boat Builder Türkiye 8. Sayı (Mart-Nisan 2008)

Navigatein total darkness ! CFLIR Navigator NavigatorPan/Tilt Voyager Nlghı-ııme navigatİon FLIRSystems:a full range of thermal imaging camerasfor maritime applications A therma,lmager İS a camerawhieh İS capable ol detectİng extremely small tempeıawre d,fferenceTsh. esetemperaturdeifferencecsan be convenedtoareal-timveideo ımage. [);splayeodna monıtor thisimage ıs extremelsyuitedfornightvisionapplications. Themıal imagerasrevery effectivein maritime environmenıs. Theycandetectobjects noatıng in thewaters,hippingiane ıraffic. buoys. bıidges. rocks,.whichcanclamage ashipor evenworses,lnk ıt. Evenobjectsthatcannotbe detecıed by radarbecomevisibleona thermailmageT.hermal İmagers arealsoused formanCM?rboasredarchetsh,readt etectionand day timenavigation. l<ANNAD Satellite Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB'Swith GPS -;.ı FURSystemmsarketasful\rangeotfhermal ımaging camerarsor marıtıme applıcations. TheNavigator-sera,eresexuemelayffordable ınstruments. Theyarepackagedforuserswhohavenighttimenavigationastheir pıimary applicationT.heNavigatoisr availablientwodifferenvterSiOn~ fixed mounıed andPan/Tilt The top-ol·the-lıne Voyager conıa,ns lWO thermal imaging and one daylight camera. Mounted on a gyro-stabılızed Pan/Tilth. eVoyager wıTI allowyoutodeteclobjectsthesizeofa human beingo. ver2km away. M.0.8. Searchsystem ~ ,: ~ -,,. (. -_. ,.. \!' ~ Formoreinformatlonaboutthermal lmaglngcamerasfor nlghttimenavigationor other maritlmeappllcatlons, pleasecontact: ROYALMARINYATTURIZM SAN.VE DIŞ.TIC.LTD.ŞTI lnönüCad.MercanSk. STFA Blokları B/3 No:1 KozyataQı·ISTANBUL Tel, 0216-380 ıs 07 (Pbx) Faxc 021()-3805136 lntellian Technologies® o ICOM Marine VHF Radios Hasanpaşa Mah. Uzunçayır Cad. Taşocakları Sok. Çağdaş Han No:1 K.1 012/13 34722 Kadıköy· İSTANBUL • Türkiye Tel: +90 216 327 34 67 (3 Lines) • Fax: +90 216 327 34 70 -e-mail: